Sunderland cannabis farm uprooted

NorthumbriapolicePolice have destroyed a cannabis farm found at a residential address in the SR4 area of Sunderland.

200 cannabis plants were discovered at a property on Rosslyn Terrace on Monday March 4.

No arrests have yet been made, however police officers are making enquiries to trace the house’s tenants who officers believe may have important information about the crime.

Chief Inspector Richard Jackson said: “The destruction of this cannabis farm once again demonstrates our ongoing commitment to tackling drug crime in Sunderland.

We would encourage people to contact us if they suspect a property is being used to produce drugs.

Tell tale signs include people arriving at unusual hours, a pungent aroma in the area, blacked out windows or bright lights coming from a number of windows throughout the night.

By working together, we can put a stop to drug offences in Sunderland.”

Anyone with information about drug use or cultivation in their community should contact police on the 101 non-emergency number.