Woman arrested after Millfield fire

Photo from sunderlandecho.com

Photo from sunderlandecho.com

A woman has been arrested by police investigating a fire that burnt down the Zeba takeaway in Millfield, Sunderland.

The fire happened at around 2 am at the Hylton Road balti house on Tuesday March 12 but no one was injured.

Northumbria police have previously stated that it was a suspected arson attack.

Horse meat scandal yet to hurt Millfield businesses

orange leaf

The Orange Leaf cafe seems unaffected

Millfield businesses could see an upturn in trade as the horse meat scandal continues to affect major retailers.

Public trust in beef products has diminished, with sales of frozen burgers in supermarkets plummeting 43 per cent since the beginning of the scandal.

However, smaller businesses have yet to be affected and the scandal could mean consumers shop elsewhere than the big supermarket chains.

Rob Bewick, 51-year-old owner of the Orange Leaf café in Millfield, said: “It’s been no skin off my nose at all. I sell 100 per cent steak burgers and there isn’t any horse in that.

“It actually could be a good thing as people become more educated that eating meat every day isn’t good for you.”

Mr Bewick also says he hasn’t changed his menu since the revelations, and he doesn’t believe that he has lost any customers.

Monika Paulauskaitė, 20, who also works at the café, said: “Some customers have seemed quite angry about it (the horsemeat scandal), but I think that they trust our food to be good quality.”

Though the Orange Leaf seems to be doing well during the crisis, Millfield residents have expressed their concerns about the nationwide situation.

Barry Smith, 38, who lives on Houghton Street, said: “I was shocked when I found out. I mean, how do we know what is safe to eat anymore?”

The Food Standards Agency has launched a survey in response to the scandal but some people think the authorities could do more.

Joan Farrell, 53, from Barnes Park Road, said: “The government needs to step in and sort it out so we can trust our food again.”

For more information and updates on the scandal please visit the Food Standards Agency website www.food.gov.uk or call the helpline on 08450518322.

Appeal after SR4 burglary


Police are appealing for witnesses after an attempted burglary in the SR4 area of Sunderland.

The offence took place between 4pm and 4.30pm on Friday February 22 on Thelma Street, and although nothing was taken a roof slate was used to smash a window.

Two men have been arrested on suspicion of burglary and have subsequently been released on bail.

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers in Sunderland on the 101 non-emergency number.

Millfield kids among UK’s fattest


A report has suggested taxing fizzy drinks

Children in Millfield are among the fattest in the country with Sunderland above the national average for obesity.

The areas in the city with the highest levels of childhood obesity are Castletown, Hetton, Washington Central and Millfield.

Across Sunderland over 21 per cent of year six children, 10 and 11 year olds, are fighting weight issues which is well above the national average of 18.7 per cent.

The news comes as experts have called for taxation on fizzy drinks and a ban on junk food adverts before the watershed.

Story first seen on the Sunderland Echo – http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/health/sunderland-children-among-fattest-in-the-country-1-5435127

Police scheme to stop thieves in SR4


Millfield and Pallion residents are being urged by police to log their property and help catch thieves.

Police officers will be handing out leaflets encouraging people to sign up to free web-based service Immobilise.

The national scheme allows people to register belongings and residents will be provided stickers to attach to them.

If anything is then lost or stolen and recovered by police, officers will be able to identify the owner, return their goods and investigate criminal activity.

Tony Carty, a Neighbourhood Inspector, said: “Bikes, mobile phones and laptops are just the start of what can be registered on immobilise.

“In fact, the more items registered on the database, the easier it is to find the owners of any recovered property.

People can register their property free on www.immobilise.com

Olympic athlete moves to Wearside

An Olympic runner has moved to Millfield to seek political asylum from his home country of Eritrea.


18-year-old Weynay Ghebresilasie, who ran in the 3000m steeplechase at the London Games, now trains with the Sunderland Harriers.

He has lost contact with family but has received support from the friends he now lives with and the running club.

Ghebresilasie dreams of competing at the next Olympics and has not ruled out the possibility of running for Great Britain.

For full story see http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/athletics/21368236

Millfield landlord celebrates third year anniversary


By Ben Smith

The landlord of the Railway Tavern, in Millfield, is celebrating three years in charge despite the pub industry’s continued crisis.

Four hundred and fifty pubs in the UK were forced to close between March and September this year, but Steven Morton is making his pub a success.

Steven says it has been difficult at times but he is “proud” to have made it this far.

The 41-year-old said: “It’s quite surreal to be here because it’s been really, really tough.

We’ve had break-ins and smashed windows. At times we didn’t think we’d make it to our first anniversary.”

The pub is now close to Steven’s heart, and all the more so for a surprise he had when he first started at the pub in 2009.

“The regulars told me that they knew my grandfather and that the pub used to be his local. I sometimes just sit in the pub after closing and take it in. It makes me feel close to him.”

The tavern is steeped in history, having stood since 1859. It was once one of the busiest pubs in Sunderland when a nearby glass factory was thriving in the 1960s and 70s.

Steven said: “When the Pyrex factory was open groups of people from there would come down, each with tins on the end of broom handles. They’d fill them up with beer at the bar and take them back to the factory for the workers.

“We treat the regulars as family”

The feeling of community in the pub is something the current owner values highly and wishes to continue, even though the factory has now closed.

Laura Cram, Steven’s Fiancée who is also manager of the Railway Tavern, said: “This pub thrives on community so that’s why it still exists. We treat the regulars as family.”

One of the regulars, Michael Jackson, is clearly happy with current owners.

The 58-year-old, who first came to the pub when he was 17, said: “They’ve done a good job. It closed for a while before they came but now the majority of regulars have come back.”

He added that everyone knows each other in the Railway Tavern, which is why everyone enjoys coming.

Steven will be hoping that the Railway Tavern’s successes will continue, even in a time which is so difficult for the pub industry.

Children flee manic Millfield driver

A driver who led police on a dangerous 80mph chase which left children running to safety has appeared in court.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how Ryan Hellens’ potentially-deadly driving forced children playing in a Sunderland street to flee to safety.

Stuart Michie, prosecuting, told the court how on November 1 last year, Hellens drove a Suzuki Jimny 4X4 around the city.

Hellens, 22, drove the car down Hylton Road, Holborn Road and Front Road, in the South Hylton area of Sunderland.

Mr Michie told the court how Hellens led police on a three-minute chase at speeds of up to 80mph.

He said: “Children playing in the streets were having to run for safety.”

Hellens, of Ferndene Crescent, Millfield, pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving.

The case was adjourned until later this month to allow for pre-sentence reports to be drawn up.

Hellens was released on unconditional bail until his next court appearance.

The judge, Recorder Tim Hirst, told him: “All of the sentencing options will be available when this case is sentenced.”

As first seen on the Sunderland Echo – http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/crime/children-flee-manic-driver-on-road-1-4995963